There were 13880 days, including 10 days in leap years from 1975 to 2012.
That makes 1,199,232,000 seconds.
However, during this period there were 21 leap seconds, so the correct answer is 1,199,232,021 seconds.
1,199,163,188 seconds.
16,680 seconds.
There are: 518/60 = 8 minutes and 38 seconds
19 words / 38 seconds = x words / 60 seconds 19 / 38 = x / 60 19 * 60 / 38 = x 30 = x 30 words.
2280 seconds38 minutes * 60 seconds/1 minute = 2280 seconds
1,199,163,188 seconds.
1,198,368,000 seconds is about 38 (37.97399) years.
38 years ago
38 seconds
38 minutes is 2,280 seconds.
136,800 seconds per 38 hours.
In 2013, it will be 38 years.In 2013, it will be 38 years.In 2013, it will be 38 years.In 2013, it will be 38 years.In 2013, it will be 38 years.In 2013, it will be 38 years.In 2013, it will be 38 years.In 2013, it will be 38 years.In 2013, it will be 38 years.In 2013, it will be 38 years.In 2013, it will be 38 years.
You can subtract. 98 - 60 = 38, so 1:38
16,680 seconds.
Will. i. am is 38 years old (birthdate: March 15, 1975).
There are: 518/60 = 8 minutes and 38 seconds
19 words / 38 seconds = x words / 60 seconds 19 / 38 = x / 60 19 * 60 / 38 = x 30 = x 30 words.