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The string which is in the lowest position. The thin E string.

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Q: Which string of guitar vibrates fastest?
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Related questions

Which part of guitar vibrates to produce sound?

The strings.

Why does a vibrating guitar string sound louder when it is on the instrumen tthan it does when it is stretched ona workbench?

When it is on the guitar, the vibrating string makes the guitar vibrate with it.

Which form of energy produced when a guitar string vibrates?

We dont know :/

How does guitar make sound?

The guitar makes sound when you pluck a string. The string vibrates down to the base of the guitar and travels in the hole, coming out as a sound we call a note.

Why is sound produced while playing the guitar?

The guitar string vibrates; this vibration is transmitted to the air as sound.

What happened to the guitar string as you pluck each one?

It vibrates creating sound.

How is sound created on the guitar?

When a guitar string is plucked, it vibrates. The vibration of the string causes pressure waves in the air. The pressure waves are called "sound".

Which form of energy is formed when a guitar string vibrates?

Kinetic energy, as it moves.

What vibrates a guitar to make the sound?

I now that it is the string ,reed ,skin and metal block.

Is it the string or the hole that makes a guitar sound?

The string makes the sound by transferring it's vibration to the top of the guitar. The top vibrates, and that is amplified by the body of the guitar. The round hole is to let that sound escape.

What are the factors that affect the sound of a vibrating guitar strings?

The factors of the sound of a guitar string are tuning the string (changes the tension; the tighter the higher) and pressing down on the fret (changes amount of string that vibrates; the shorter the higher)

How does the electric guitar work?

you hold your hand as a position of a note then strum it or pluck it the string vibrates and music ccomes out