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Q: Which term best describes a major arc of a circle that has the same starting and ending point?
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An arc of a circle that is longer than a semicircle of that circle?

Major arc is the longer of two arcs.

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C major, B-flat major.

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The center of a circle is called thecenter, in a way it is the focus of the special case of an ellipse which has equal major and semi major axes...

What is a major sector of a circle?

A sector of a circle is the region enclosed by two radii and the circumference. If you draw a picture, you can see that there are actually two regions formed. One has an angle of 180 degrees or less at the center, and the other has an angle of 180 degrees or more. A sector which occupies more than half of the circle is a major sector. To put it more succinctly, a major sector is enclosed by two radii and a major arc of a circle.

Which major scale has the most sharps?

That is C-sharp Major, but since the circle of 5ths is a circle, it could go on for infinite, you COULD have C sextuple-sharp major with 42 sharps but it is never necessary to go this far!

What is the name of the region below the Tropic of Capricorn?

The Antarctic Circle is the major circle of latitude that follows the Tropic of Capricorn.

What is a C Major Scale?

C major is a major scale starting from C.