The steps that are required to build a system to solve a particular problem are: 1. Problem Definition that must include precise specifications of what the initial situation will be as well as what final situations constitute acceptable solutions to the problem. 2. Problem Analysis , this can have immense impact on the appropriateness of varies possible techniques for solving the problem. 3. Selection of the best technique(s) for solving the particular problem. would probably be your best bet for that particular problem. They can download everything that you put up onto the website and check out pictures and other files.
Air to fuel ratio is the ratio between the weight of air to the weight of fuel, for example: 14.7 pounds of air to 1 pound of fuel would be a air:fuel ratio of 14.7:1 This particular example is called the stoichiometric ratio for's ideal ratio in order to efficiently use all the fuel. This ratio varies for different fuels....for example, ethanol fuels have a stoichiometric air:fuel ratio of 13.85:1. In actuality, a gasoline car gets it's best fuel mileage when the fuel is reduced slightly and produces it's best power when the ratio is a little heavier on the fuel side.
current ratio
The speed of something in a given direction.
Thinking something over infers that you are considering all the possibilities and ramifications of a particular problem and seeing several different outcomes. Thinking it out infers that you are doing similar but arriving at what is considered the best solution to the problem.
The narrator's purpose in writing this proposal is to outline a plan of action or solution to address a specific problem or achieve a particular goal.
What kind of information is best conveyed in particular chart types?
1:5 (cement:sand) is the best ratio
What is the best starch ratio to make corrugated carton? in other words what should be the borax, caustic soda, starch and water ratio to make a perfect adhesive to make corrugated carton?