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equiangular and a regular triangle

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Q: Which two name describe the equilateral triangle?
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What is the name of a triangle that has two 60 degree angles?

It is an equilateral triangle

How do you describe triangles by the sides?

Scalene Triangle- a triangle with no congruent sides Isosceles Triangle- a triangle with two congruent sides Equilateral Triangle- a triangle with three congruent sides

What are two other shapes for an equilateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle can not have "other" shapes.

When a square is divided by diagonal is it called an equilateral triangle?

no but the diagonal divides the square into two equilateral triangles. An equilateral triangle is a triangle that has two sides of the same length

What is the name of a three- sided figure with sides that are equal in length?

EQUILATERAL triangle. Two sides the same length , and two angles equal is ISOSCELES Triangle A triangle with a Right-Angle is a RIGHT -ANGLED Triangle No equal sides/angles is a SCALENE triangle.

What are some shapes that begin with the letter E?

An equilateral triangle is a shape. It begins with the letter e.Ellipse, equilateral triangle, to name two shapes beginning with the letter 'e'.

Is equilateral triangle is two sides equal?

No because an equilateral triangle has three equal sides

What is a triangle with two congruent sizes?

it is a equilateral triangle.

Is an equilateral triangle a isosceles triangle?

No. An equilateral triangle is where all three sides of the triangle are equal. An isosceles triangle is where only two of the sides are equal.

If it is an equilateral triangle then it is an isosceles triangle?

Let us recall the definition of an isosceles triangle. An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two equal or congruent sides. In this definition, it is not stated that it has exactly two equal sides. An equilateral triangle has three equal or congruent sides. If it has three equal sides, then it must have two equal sides. Therefore, an equilateral triangle is considered as an isosceles triangle. But, an isosceles triangle is not necessarily an equilateral triangle.

Is a isoceles triangle an equilateral triangle?

If it were, there would be no need to have two different names for it. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides. An equilateral triangle has all three sides equal.

Triangle that is both equilateral and equiangular?

A triangle is equilateral if, and only if, it is equiangular. That is to say, the two statements are equivalent.