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Q: Which type of nuclear blast occurs above 100.000?
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Which type of nuclear detonation occurs above 100,000 feet and generates a high-energy electromagnetic pule?

High-Altitude Blast

Did the tsunami trigger the nuclear blast?

Yes the tsunami did trigger the nuclear blast because the water got into the nuclear reactor and buggered it up

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Why do people think nuclear testing above ground was eventually banned?

They learned about how far fallout can travel and affect people outside blast zones.

Was there a nuclear blast in the world?

yes, thousands

What are the HARMFULNESS caused by nuclear blast?

The blast effects (which is all the question as worded asks about) would be the same as the blast effects of a weight of TNT identical to the nuclear bomb's yield (by definition). However a nuclear bomb has additional effects that the TNT doesn't, but as this question only asked about blast effects, I won't visit them.

What makes up the largest percent of evergy relearsed in a nuclear dotonation?

Blast, always blast.

What makes up the largest percent of energy released in a nuclear detonation?

Correct answer is blast effect

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What is the blast radius of the largest nuclear weapon?


What insects can survive a nuclear blast?

A direct nuclear blast - nothing. However it is said that cockroaches would possibly survive radiation where other animals would be killed.

How big is a nuclear blast radius?

Little Boy was the nuclear bomb detonated over Hiroshima. It used uranium and had an explosive blast equivalent to 12,500 tons of TNT. A 1 megaton hydrogen bomb, hypothetically detonated on the earth's surface, has about 80 times the blast power of that 1945 explosion. Considering the tonnage of a bomb to be contant, The blast radius varies dependent on whether it is a ground burst or an airburst. Further, the height of the airburst above ground affects the radius too. At a height of 1900 feet above ground, Little Boy produced a blast radius of 1 mile; an area of some 4.7 square miles.