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Cubic units

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Q: Which unit of measurement would you use to measure the capacity of the container?
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Would you use a scale to measure capacity?

It could be used to measure capacity. For example, weigh an empty container. Then fill the container with water and weigh it again. Take the difference in weight. Divide by the density of water. This will give you the capacity of the container.

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Metric unit measurement of the capacity of a paper cup?

You would use millimeters for the measure of the capacity of a paper cup.

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What unit of measurement would be the most appropriate to measure the capacity of a bathtub?

The capacity of a bathtub could be appropriately measured in liters.

Which unit of measurement would be the most appropriate to measure the capacity of a bathtub?

Liters! Hope i helpedd!

What kind of measure will you use to find out how much milk a container holds?

You would use the measurement of volume (mm3, cm3) it is pronounced 'cubed', as in 'squared'.

What unit of capacity would you use to measure a bathtub?

you would use gallons to measure the capacity of a bathtub

What would use to measure a bus?

The answer will depend on what characteristic of the bus you wished to measure: its length, weight, colour, fuel efficiency, capacity, top speed, etc. Each of these would require a different method and a different measurement unit.

What would you use to measure a bus?

The answer will depend on what characteristic of the bus you wished to measure: its length, weight, colour, fuel efficiency, capacity, top speed, etc. Each of these would require a different method and a different measurement unit.

How would you measure the capacity of the stomach?

Units of measurement for volumeLiterCupTeaspoon TablespoonFluid OuncePintQuartGallonI suppose due to the small size of the stomach you could also use a cubic inch or centimeter to properly measure it.