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Since T=2pi*sqrt(l/g) and l is the only variable that effects T that is the period it is the length.

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Q: Which variable affect the period of a swinging pendulum?
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To and fro vibratory motion of a swinging pendulum in a small arc?

The period or frequency of the pendulum

How does height affect the period of a pendulum?

Height does not affect the period of a pendulum.

What property of a pendulum does not affect its period?

The weight of the 'bob' doesn't, as long as the distance fromthe pivot to the swinging center of mass doesn't change.

What variable might affect the number of cycles the pendulum makes in fifteen seconds?

The period of the pendulum can be influenced by the local magnitude of gravity, by the length of the string, and by the density of the material in the swinging rod (which influences the effective length).It's not affected by the weight of the bob, or by how far you pull it to the side before you let it go.

Which practical in physics involves swinging?

The practical related to pendulum, where we have to calculate it's time period... A pendulum swings...

What variable controls the period of vibration of a pendulum?

Its length.

How do the parameters of a simple pendulum affect the period of a pendulum?

The period increases as the square root of the length.

Does amplitude effect the period of a pendulum?

no it doesnt affect the period of pendulum. the formulea that we know for simple pendulum is T = 2pie root (L/g)

Why does the period length of a pendulum increase when its amplitude is increased?

If you'll do some careful measurements, you'll find that it doesn't happen that way.The period of a pendulum depends on its length, but not on how far you pull it to start it swinging.

Does weight affect the swinging speed of a pendulum?

The period of the pendulum is dependent on the length of the pendulum to the center of mass, and independent from the actual mass.The weight, or mass of the pendulum is only related to momentum, but not speed.Ignoring wind resistance, the speed of the fall of objects is dependent on the acceleration factor due to gravity, 9.8 m/s/s which is independent of the actual weight of the objects.

Does the bob affect the pendulum's time period?

no ,because they are not the same

What is the difference in period for a pendulum on earth and a pendulum on moon?

The period of a simple pendulum swinging at a small angle is approximately 2*pi*Sqrt(L/g), where L is the length of the pendulum, and g is acceleration due to gravity. Since gravity on the moon is approximately 1/6 of Earth's gravity, the period of a pendulum on the moon with the same length will be approximately 2.45 times of the same pendulum on the Earth (that's square root of 6).