The denominator of any number cannot be zero because division by zero is not defined.
It should always be ZERO.
To divide any number by zero will give infinity and therefore an error.
No. Why should you?
The sign of the larger number will be the sign of the answer, if you're adding them together. If they're the same size, and of different signs, the answer will be zero.
Did u mean how to make a number zero?. If so, then the answer is to make a number zero, it is needed to multiply the number with Zero .
zero + zero = zero
I think it should be around zero.
No. A negative number is a number below zero, not zero itself.The number zero is neither negative nor positive.
A number multiplied by zero equals zero.
There is not always a zero at the end if the number. there is a zero if the number is divisible by five.
No number exists. ============ Zero is not a factor of any number but zero.