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Well i guess you mean Isaac newton. He did alot of work into various branches of maths, and his notation for algebra and calculus is still widely used today.

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Q: Who developed calculus and stated the law of gravity?
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What did isaac newton do when he was away from the university?

Newton developed his Law of Gravity and calculus when he was away from the university.

Invented Calculus and the Law of Gravity?

Izac Newton

He developed the law of gravity?

isaac newton

Identify the individual who was responsible for developing the laws of gravity and calculus.?

Gottfried Liebniz and Isaac Newton are credited with co-developing the Calculus, based on work from Archimedes, Cavalieri, and others. But only Newton also studied gravity, and attempted to come up with a theory about how and why it worked.

Who is the calculus pioneer?

Calculus was invented independently by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz. Newton did it first and showed the actual usefulness of the discipline by deriving the Law of gravity from astronomical data. Leibnitz however developed a much superior notation and terminology, thus it is actually Leibnitz's calculus that we use today.

Who discovered the law of gravity and stated it in a simple formula?

It was Isaac Newton who first formulated the law of gravity.

Which famous scientist stated the law of gravity?

sir isaac newton

What was newtons main contribution to enlightenment thought?

Issac Newton's contribution was Law of Gravity, Action/Reaction and Calculus

What was Isaac Newtons most important contribution to science?

His major contribution was the discovery of the principle of gravity on Earth and on other celestial bodies.

What was Isaac Newton mathematical discovery?

In mathematics, Newton shares the credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the development of the differential and integral calculus. He also demonstrated the generalised binomial theorem, developed the so-called "Newton's method" for approximating the zeroes of a function. He used the methods of calculus to solve the problem of planetary motion.

What made Isaac Newton stand out?

Several things, including:* His discovery of the law of gravitation. * Newton's laws of movement. * His development of calculus (independently, Leibniz also developed calculus).

3 inventions that Sir Isaac Newton invented while at woolsthorpe?

i can tell u 2 sorry invented calculus the reflecting telescope And.... the obvious 1, gravity!!!! (i think!) Kylolias : He created the law of Gravity, intestimal calculus, the first reflecting telescope and many more.