The abacus is ordinarily attributed to the Chinese, but similar counting devices are known in many different ancient cultures. The system of mathematics used with the Indo-Asian abacus is what set it apart.
The abacus was developed by the Babylonians in 2000 BC. Though mechanical, it is considered to be one of the earliest computers.
The Sumerian abacus appeared in 2700 BC, a primitive device which was difficult to use. The Persians used the abacus in 600 BC. The Greek abacus dated to the 5th Century BC. The Chinese dated to the 2nd Century BC
China invented the abacus .
How did the abacus occur?
An Abacus has beads and strings.
The Chinese abacus
it is the abacus. :D :D :D i got is dummies
The abacus II!
the Chinese invented the abacus
the invenor of the abacus is the invenor of me
Abacus was invented by the Chinesethe abacus was also known as the first computer