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Q: Who has by far the most unattractive male name in the world?
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Related questions

What is the most unattractive male name in the English language?

It's subjective and not appropriate to label a name as unattractive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and names hold significance for individuals and their families.

What is the most unattractive name in the English language?


What is the most popular male name in the world?


Most popular male name in the world in the 90s?

Mohammed. The most popular full name is John Smith.

What is the world's most popular male name?

Mohammed (or any of its spelling variants).

What is the world's greatest name for a male dog?

The greatest name in the world for a male dog is a name that fits the dog, a name the owner loves as much as the dog, and most importantly, a name that the dog responds to every time it is called.

Is mohamed the most popular name in the world?

Yes it is and it is a male name. Also, it consists of being an Islamic name.

What is the most unattractive name?

bob bobby frank george Percy Harold Donald Quinn Arnold victer david

What nationality is the last name Dargis?

The last name Dargis is of Lithuanian origin. It is a relatively common last name in Lithuania.

How many Jason's are there in the world?

As of July 2013, there are an estimated 1,047,087 people in the world with the name Jason. The name Jason is the 39th most popular male name. Each day there are thousands of babies born that will have the name Jason.

What is the most common girl name and common boy name?

In the US: The most common female name is Mary and male name is Michael. The most frequently given female name is Isabella and male name is Jacob.

How many Jakes are their in the world names?

Jake is the 419th most popular male name. It is estimated that 0.025% of American males have that name. So Jake, has around 30625 males that have that name.