The Chinese number system was invented in the 4th centaury.
in china
For the same reasons why we need numbers today
The base of the Chinese number system is ten.
The Japanese gave up their original number system more them a thousand years ago. They now use the Chinese number system. It is almost the same but the Japanese have added a few strokes to the numbers and have a different pronunciation to make their number system unique.
It can date back to the New Stone Age since Chinese number characters were found on oracle bones. Around 4 century BCE, Chinese already had a developed decimal system during the Warring States period. Around 13 century, Arabic numbers were spread to China.
In the Chinese number system, the largest number is represented by "δΊΏ" (yi), which is equivalent to 100 million. This character is used to denote multiples of 100 million, making it the highest numerical unit in the Chinese counting system.
yes it is different. the Japanese number system is the Chinese number system but the Japanese changed it to make it unique.
Zhoue/Chou Dynasty
The Chinese number systems derived from the number systems that were in use in the Shang Dynasty.
The first people to use the decimal system and the number zero WERE NOT THE CHINESE! I am learning about this in school. The ancient Hindu's invented them during the Gupta Empire.
Of course, it was the Aztecs because they invented the number system