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While many theorize that the concept of pi has existed since the Ancient Egyptian Empire, the first 'modern' mathematician to calculate pi with any large degree of accuracy (and record his work) was Archimedes of Ancient Greece.

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Q: Who was credited with figuring out how to calculate pi?
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His major praise is from his three universal laws of gravity.

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diameter = circumference / pi diameter = radius * 2

Who was the first mathematician to calculate pi?

The first person to calculate pi was Archimedes, around 250 B.C. Using the formula:A = pi r^2

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Pi = circumference/diameter

Will pi calculate out too infinity?

No. Pi is a finite number.

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Area = pi * r2 Circumference = 2 * pi * r Pi = 3.141592 r = square root of Area/pi Cir then = 2 * pi * (square root of Area/pi)

How do you calculate circumference and area of pi?

Pi is the number of times the diameter of a circle will fit into the circumference. Pi is not a circle, and does not have a circumference or area. To calculate a circumference USING pi, the circumference is diameter * pi. To find the area using pi, area = pi * radius * radius

What famous Egyptian is credited with being the first to find pi?


Which Ancient Greek discovered Pi?

Pythagoras was credited with discovering the relationship of a radius with a circumference. Hence the term Pi (Pye).

What do pi have to do with math?

you use pi to calculate the area or circumference of a circle