His father's name was Niklas Koppernigk and his mother's name was Barbara Watzelrode
Nicholas was the name given him by his parents.
His parents named him Nicholas after an uncle who was a Catholic bishop.
According to the Eastern Church, Nicholas was the only son of wealthy Christian parents named Epiphanus and Johanna. There is, however, no confirmation of this.
Theophane and Nonna of Patera, Nicholas' parents died in an epidemic when Nicholas was around 15 years old. The exact date is unknown, but it is very likey between 285 and 295 A.D.
There is no surviving record of the education Nicholas received. However, his parents were quite wealthy so we can be certain he received the best education available at the time. When his parents died in an epidemic his uncle, also named Nicholas and who was a bishop, raised the young Nicholas.
Alexander II and Maria Feodorovna were the parents of Nicholas II. He as born in 1868 and became Tsar in 1894.
Nicholas of Myra was the only son of wealthy Christian parents named Epiphanus and Johanna.
It is said that they died during a plague or epidemic when Nicholas was still quite young.
There are no surviving records that might give us information about the family of St. Nicholas of Myra. However, the parents of Nicholas died of the plague when Nicholas was quite young and he was then raised by an uncle, also named Nicholas.
Saint Nicholas, aka parents, place small gifts in their children's shoes to celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 6.
His parents died while Nicholas was still quite young. They both died in an epidemic. He was left with a sizable inheritance which he distributed to the poor over his years of ministry.
St. Nicholas was conceived and born of very human parents in the third century in a Greek colony in Asia Minor.