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Maths is a important subject because if you don't do maths then you probably will not get a good job i.e. a scientist or a shop worker

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12y ago

Because. It just is lol. Stay in school.

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Q: Why Is Maths Subject Important?
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Can i study biotechnology if i don't have maths subject?

Not really you must have atleast a knowledge of Maths because maths is the most important skill in our life without maths i cant imagine the future

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i am thinking that maths important and physic

Why is maths day celebrated?

Maths day is celebrated due to it being made by important people like this Greek mathematican called Pythagoras of Samos. He invented The maths 'Pythagoras Theroem'. We celebrate it to remember who made maths a important subject.

Is maths is an important subject?

yes it is because you use it in your everyday life with money and other things

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is maths a compulosry subject in bms

How can you get better at maths?

If you want to get better or improve our maths skills you need to practice what ever subject you are not going to well at. But most important try to listen to your teacher.

What is the most important subject for law?

definately not maths it depends what lawyer you become...criminal lawyer etc

Can you change maths for any other subject in hsc?

No Its not possible.. B'Coz Maths is compalsory subject..

Does math matter?

Yes, Maths is an extremely important subject, therefore having a high grade GCSE or A-Level in the subject is essential. Employers will almost always look for a decent grade GCSE in maths, and although much of the stuff you study in maths you will rarely need to use again (e.g. Pythagoras' theorem, vectors, etc), it is essential to know for examinations. So yes, it is definitely worth the effort - one of the most important subject.