Maths day is celebrated due to it being made by important people like this Greek mathematican called Pythagoras of Samos. He invented The maths 'Pythagoras Theroem'. We celebrate it to remember who made maths a important subject.
World Maths Day is in March. The 2011 World Maths Day was on Tuesday March 1st.
because maths my dear friend is so cool and it rocks basically its celebrated cause everyone knows maths is so cool GO MATHS!
Every year First Wednesday in the month of march is celebrated as World Math day
It is necessary and very important in day to day life.
a educational answer
World Maths Day is in March. The 2011 World Maths Day was on Tuesday March 1st.
because maths my dear friend is so cool and it rocks basically its celebrated cause everyone knows maths is so cool GO MATHS!
on 22nd december
March 14 3.14 pi~
Every year First Wednesday in the month of march is celebrated as World Math day
World Maths Day is held on the first Wednesday of March.
its on dec 22nd, the great mathematician Sri, Srininivasa Ramanujam's birthday is being celebrated as India's math day.
Every year in March there is world maths day.
World Maths Day in on a Thursday the 7th March.
World Maths Day 2011 and World Spelling Day 2011 ended on March 3.
The day celebrated after Diwali is "Brother's Day'.