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because it is stupid

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Q: Why are ceareal bowls not shaped like cones?
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What are common objects shaped like a rectangular prism?

a box ceareal box printers

Why are bullets shaped like cones?

They are not shaped like cones, but their shape makes them more aerodynamic which increases flight speed and distance.

What are cone shaped fruits?

They are fruits which are shaped like cones.

Why are the trees on mountains shaped like cone?

trees are shaped like cones mountains because when snow falls on themit covers the leaves and the tree will start to rot . so the trees are shaped like cones .

Why are cereal bowls not shaped like cones?

Because because it will be hard to eat out of it

A tree that produces seed-bearing cones and has leaves shaped like needles is?

A pine tree is a tree that produces seed bearing cones and has leaves shaped liked needles.

Why are funnels shaped like cones?

The shape makes funneling liquids or fluids easier.

Do you like king vitamin cereal?

worst ceareal ever!

Are oak trees coniferous?

no. Coniferous trees have needle-shaped leaves that stay on in the winter and they produce brown cones that hold its seeds. Oak leaves fall off in the fall, are not shaped like needle and the tree does not produce brown cones.

What are the origins of the cone shaped party hat?

they are like an ice cream cone and because you have ice cream cones at partys they made hats like that.

What are objects shaped like cones?

ice cream cone, a pylon, a party hat, flower bouquet (the thing that holds the flowers)

What shape leaves do a conifer tree have?

A conifer has needle shaped leaves. The cones are the seed bearers.