A girder.
it is shaped like a whale
The world is shaped like a sphere.
Zero (0) is a number and o is a letter and the way to tell the difference is the zero is bigger than the o and is shaped like a oval, the o is smaller and shaped more like a circle. I hope it helped! =]
Antibodies are biomolecules that have a Y-shaped structure. This Y shape allows antibodies to bind to specific antigens, recognizing and neutralizing them as part of the immune response.
it is shaped like the letter C
its j shaped
It is shaped like the letter S
Vietnam is a strip of land shaped like the letter "S".
Antibodies are made from y-shaped proteins by white blood, plasma cells.
The letter I.
"Hyoid" describes an object shaped like the letter U.
V-shaped Valley
A girder.
In Latin, the letter U was shaped like our letter V.