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Because , for a regular pentagon, the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon = (5-2)*180 = 540 degrees.

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Q: Why are the interior angles of a pentagon not equal to 180?
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What is the sum of the interior angles of a polygon?

It would actually be 180(n-2) where n equals the number of sides. For a pentagon, n =5 so sum of interior angles = 180(5-2) = 540. 540o is the sum of the interior angles for a pentagon.

What is the sum of the measures of the interior of a 60 inch pentagon?

The sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is 180*(5-2) = 180*3 = 540 degrees. The size of the pentagon is totally irrelevant.

What is interior angle sum of a regular pentagon?

The sum of the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is (n-2)*180 degrees. So, for a pentagon, n= 5. The sum of the interior angles is (5-2)*180 = 3*180 = 540 degrees.

What is the sum of the internal angles of a pentagon?

The sum of the internal angles of a pentagon is 540 degrees.Here's how:**To find the sum of the internal/interior angles of a polygon there is a formula,(n - 2)180 where n is the number of sides.**n = 5 , a pentagon has 5 sides(n - 2)180(5 - 2)180(3)180540So a pentagon would have 540 degrees. If the formula is too complicated for you to remember, you can use a pattern: Add 180 degrees to the next shape. For example, a triangle has 180 degrees, a quadrilateral has 360 degrees, pentagon has 540, hexagon 720, etc. Each time you add a side you are adding 180 degrees.The sum of the internal angles of a pentagon is 540 degrees.540 degreesThe interior angles in a pentagon total 540 degreesThe sum of the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is equal to 180 x (n - 2). Therefore, the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is equal to 180 x (5 - 2) = 180 x 3 = 540 degrees.108 degrees.You must work out the exterior angle first.To find exterior, you count the angles on the pentagon, which is 5.And divide it by 360 which you'd get 72 degrees.Now to find the interior, you know a straight line is 180 degrees, so 180 minus 72 which is 108.Viola!360 degreesI vote for 540 degrees.* * * * *There is no need to vote. It can be proven that the interior angles of a polygon with n sides add to (180*(n-2) degrees. For a pentagon that would be 180*(5-2) = 180*3 = 540 degrees.The 5 interior angles of a pentagon add up to 540 degreesTotal interior angles of a pentagon (360+180) = 540 degrees.A pentagon can be divided into a square and a triangle. The interior angles of a square are 360 and for a triangle are 180.540°The 5 interior angles add up to 540 degreesThey add up to 540 degrees540 degrees in total.108 degrees individually.540 degrees total. 108 degrees for each angle.(5-2)*180 = 540 degrees108o if a regular pentagon. Total is 540o irrespective of shape. (2n - 4) right angles.540 degreesYes that is correct because the interior angles of a 5 sided pentagon add up to 540 degrees.The 5 interior angles of a pentagon add up to 540 degrees

How do you find sum of interior measures for pentagon?

The sum of the interior angles of any regular polygon of n sides is equal to 180(n - 2) degrees.

What is the sum of a pentagon's interior angle?

The sum of a pentagon's interior angles is 540 degrees.sum of them is 540 degresseach angle is 180 degrees

What is the interior angle of a pentagon?

The measurement of an interior angle of a pentagon depends on whether the pentagon is a "regular pentagon". The sum of the measures of the interior angles of any polygon can be calculated using the formula (n-2)180, where n = the number of sides. If the pentagon is a regular pentagon, then all of the interior angles are congruent (i.e. : 144 degrees). Interior angle is the inside angle of any angular object. A triangle for instance has three outside angles and three interior angles, the angles of the points from the inside.

What does the angle in a pentagon add up to?

The interior angles of a pentagon sum to 180*(5-2) = 540 degrees.

What is the sum of the interior angle of a pentagon and how do you show the work?

The sum of the interior angles of any regular polygon of n sides is equal to 180(n - 2) degrees. 180 x (5 - 2) = 540

What is the interior angle sum of an convex pentagon?

The sum of the interior angles of an n-gon is (n-2)*180 degrees. Whether the polygon is convex or regular are irrelevant. So for a pentagon, n = 5 and the sum of the interior angles is (5-2)*180 = 3*180 = 540 degrees.

What is the total of angles added up together in a pentagon?

For a pentagon, which has 5 sides, you can use the formula: Total Sum of Interior Angles = (5 - 2) * 180 degrees Total Sum of Interior Angles = 3 * 180 degrees Total Sum of Interior Angles = 540 degrees So, the total sum of the interior angles in a pentagon is 540 degrees.

Sum of interiuor angles?

The sum of the interior angles of any polygon can be determined by using the formula (n-2)180, where n=the number of sides of that polygon. For example, you can calculate the sum of the interior angles of a polygon with five sides (a pentagon): (n-2)180 (5-2)180 3x180 540 So, the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is 540.