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Q: Why are there more odd prime numbers than even?
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Why are there more composite numbers than prime numbers?

composite numbers are mostly even and to me even numbers are more and yea

Are more prime numbers even or odd?

Odd. The only prime number that is even is two. Since there are many prime numbers that are odd (such as 3, 5, etc.), there are more odd prime numbers than even.

Are there more even numbers that are prime than odd numbers?

There's only one even prime, the rest are odd.

Do even numbers contain more prime numbers than odd numbers?

No. Quite the opposite.

Which numbers evens or odds have many prime numbrs?

There are many, many more odd prime numbers than even prime numbers; there is only 1 even prime number, namely 2, whereas the odd prime numbers are 3, 5, 7, 11, ...

What is the only even prime number and why?

2 is the only even prime number. All other even numbers have more than two factors.

Why can even numbers be prime numbers (apart from two)?

Apart from 2 all even numbers are composite numbers because they have more than two factors.

Is there more composite numbers than prime numbers?

Yes, there are many more composite numbers than prime.

Why is two the only even prime number?

two is the only even prime number because only one and itself can be multiplied together to get that number.All prime numbers have two factors. All even numbers greater than two have more than that.

Why is there one even prime number?

All other even numbers have more than two factors.

Why is it difficult to find even prime numbers?

even numbers are 2.4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20. if you skip count by two you will know what an even number is,and ther is more numbers than what i said

What is the only prime number and why?

2 is the only even prime number. All other even numbers have more than two factors.