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Cylinders are a simple shape that allows for the tree to be tall and still stable enough to resist being blown over by the wind.

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Q: Why are tree trunks cylindrical in shape?
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Why are tree trunks cylindrical?

The tree trunks are cylindrical because they grow from the center and outwards. They grow uniformly and this is evident from the rings when the trees are cut.

What is tree trunks?

Tree trunks is that trees middle position.

What kind of cells do tree trunks have?

tree trunks have xylem and phloem

Are marshmallows consider a cylindrical shape?

Yes, they're usually cylindrical in shape.

Does a tree usually have fewer trunks or branches?


How many figure you make from cylindrical shape?

10 figure we make from cylindrical shape

What is the plant that grows on on tree trunks?

Lichen is a combination of fungus and algae. It grows on tree trunks.

What is cylindrical bending?

Bending a rectangular sheet into a cylindrical shape.

A colorful plant organism that grows on tree trunks?

Algae or mosses live on tree trunks.

Is a tree round?

No. It is cylindrical

What is the geometrical shape of a can?

If you mean a round can, the shape is cylindrical.

What is a shape of a clarinet?

The clarinet has the shape of a cylindrical tube.