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Q: Why are trees planted on steep slopes?
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In terrain with steep hill slopes which crop and cultivation technique will minimize soil erosion?

In terrain with steep hills slopes the crop and cultivation technique that will minimize soil erosion are apples that land between the trees is planted in grass and not cultivates. The area were pedal soils most likely to be found are a moderately dry to semiarid grassland such as the western great plains.

What are precipitous slopes?

Slopes that are dangerously high and/or steep.

Why do some stairs have steep slopes?

Usually, stairs are built with steep slopes only if there isn't enough room to build them with milder slopes.

True or false Colombian coffee needs rich soil steep slopes and plenty of sunshine?

It is false that Colombian coffee needs rich soil, steep slopes and plenty of sunshine. This particular coffee needs tall shady trees to grow properly.

What surroundes a fjord?

steep slopes

A high uplifted area with steep slopes?

A mountain is a high, uplifted area with steep slopes. Mountains are large elevated area that rises from level ground. They are large and steep hills.

What is bathmophobia?

fear of stairs or steep slopes

Do most mountains have slopes?

Most mountains have slopes, but some aren't very steep.

What are broad platforms cut into steep slopes used for planting crops?

Broad platforms cut into steep slopes used for planting crops are terraces.

How does gravity cause landslides?

Gravity is a force everything on Earth is influenced by. The usual causes of landslides are earthquake, heavy rainfall, and the felling of trees on steep slopes.

What is a High uplifted area with steep slopes?

its a plateau

How can erosion be reduced on steep slopes?

by planting vegetation