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Q: What do you call land forms that have steep slopes?
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If Contour lines are close together the land has a gentle slope?

The closer the contours, the steeper the slope.

How is infiltration affected by the slope of the land?

Infiltration is generally higher on flat land compared to steep slopes because water can more easily penetrate the soil. Steep slopes can lead to faster surface runoff, reducing the amount of water that infiltrates the soil. Erosion on steep slopes can also compact the soil, further reducing infiltration rates.

How were the Inca able to the mountainous land?

They cut terraces, or broad platforms, into steep slopes so they could plant crops.

How do you explain how the steepness of the land affects soil erosion?

Steep land slopes can accelerate water runoff, increasing the chances of soil erosion. When it rains, water flows downhill faster on steep slopes, carrying away soil particles. This can lead to more severe erosion as the force of the water is greater on steep lands.

Which factor in soil formation deals with the slope of land?

The factor in soil formation that deals with the slope of land is erosion. Steep slopes are more prone to erosion, which can affect soil development by removing topsoil and altering the composition of the soil. Erosion on steep slopes can cause loss of soil fertility and affect plant growth.

How the Inca able to farm on the mountains land?

They cut terraces, or broad platforms, into steep slopes so they could plant crops.

Land masses that are higher than hills?

Mountains are land masses that are higher than hills. They are typically characterized by steep slopes and a summit.

What is a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it.?

A plateau is a large area of flat land that is higher in elevation than the surrounding land. Plateaus typically have steep cliffs or slopes on at least one side.

How would you describe the land forms of denmark?

Fjords is a deep vally and is very steep! the land form of denmark is very fjordey!!!

What caused the landslides in Tibet in 1950 that destroyed 70 villages?

The landslides in Tibet in 1950 were likely triggered by heavy rainfall and the region's steep terrain. The combination of water-saturated soil and steep slopes can lead to slope failures and landslides. Deforestation and land use practices may have also played a role in destabilizing the slopes.

What is called an area of elevated flat land?

An area of elevated flat land is called a plateau. Plateaus are flat areas of high ground that are usually separated from surrounding areas by steep slopes or cliffs.

What is an elevated piece of land?

An elevated piece of land is a raised area above the surrounding terrain, such as a hill, mountain, or plateau. It typically offers a higher vantage point and may have steep slopes or cliffs.