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They take the place of an unknown quantity. They can change values, thus they are called variables, their quantity varies.

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Q: Why are variables used in expressions?
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Does a mathematical expression have to have variables?

Yes. Expressions cannot be expressed without variables. There are numerical expressions for ex. 2 + 3 is an expression without variables.

How do you Evaluating variable expressions with exponents?

Basically the same way that you evaluate other types of expressions with variables: * You replace the variables by the value assigned to the variables. * Then you do the specified calculations.

What is the process for evaluating expressions called?

An algebraic expression is a process for evaluating expressions. Replacing variables with numerals and following a standard order of operations is used for the process.

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What is The branch of math that involves expressions with variables?

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What is an expression that substitutes numbers for the variables in the expressions?

It is "evaluating".

What is the definition of equivalen variable expressions?

Two expressions are "equivalent" if they have the same result for any values of the variable or variables.

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The size can be limited to 6 variables and also can be used for simplifying boolean expressions. Is K-map a msnormer?

What are expressions that have the same value for all values of the variables?

Equivalent Expression

Why are algebraic expressions called variables?

Algebraic expressions may contain variables but they are not normally called variables. In fact, if they are related to identities, they need not be variable. For example, (4x2 + 8xy + 4y2)/(x + y)2 is an algebraic expression, but it is not a variable: it equals 4.

How do you expressions?

Replace the variables with the given values. Then you calculate using the order of operations.