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Q: Why can't i housetrain our dauchsund?
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How do you spell dauchsund?

The dog breed is spelled dachshund (also capitalized Dachshund, the wiener dog).

How do you know if you dauchsund is a mini?

A miniature Dachshund weighs 11 pounds or less. Standards weigh 16-32 pounds and anything in between 11 and 16 is called a "tweenie."

Why does my 2 year old dog still poop on the floor?

Hi, '''Take time off to housetrain your dog. Someone needs to take your dog out for midday bathroom breaks, so experts recommend taking time off work when you first get your dog. Here are some guidelines to housetrain your dog: '''

How do you housetrain a puppy without a crate?

use the old fasioned method rub there nose in it when they potty in the house then praise them when they do it outside till they get the hint

What age do you housetrain a puppy?

always be house training a puppy. theyll catch on. use all the tricks. and remember to praise, praise, praise the pup when its done good.

What should you do if its your first puppy ever?

I'll read books and articles on how to housetrain a puppy. The key to rock-solid housetraining is to start the day your pup comes home and stick with the program. Using a crate is the easiest method.

How do you housetrain an abused and neglected dog?

When you think the dog needs to go outside pick him/her up and carry them out,when doing this love on the dog and talk to the dog.Also use a sweet voice with an abused dog.He/her will learn to trust and love you back.

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i cant i cant i cant stand losin i cant i cant i cant stand losin i cant i cant i cant stand losin i cant i cant i cant stand losin

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well you can but you cant but you can and cant if you can you also cant but i know you can and cant but if you want to you can overall i say you can and cant

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