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The very definition of dipole is that two equal oppositely charges separated by a very very small distance. Hence + and - would cancel and hence neutral

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Q: Why can dipole moment be determined only for neutral system of charges not for charged one?
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Why is a neutral dust particle attracted to a charged object?

If charge can flow within the neutral particle and you place it near a charged object, like charges tend to move toward the object and opposite charges move away. This splitting of the charge gives the neutral dust particle an electric dipole moment.

How do neutral objects behave when placed near charged objects?

They repel, same with two negatively charged objects

Can object with a static charge can attract only other charged objects?

No. It can exert a much weaker force on neutral objects, due to an induced separation of charges - that is, the charged object will cause a separation of charges in the uncharged object, thus creating an electric dipole.

When two objects attract each other electrically must both of them be charged?

No. The attraction is stronger when both are charged. But a charged object may induce an electric dipole (i.e., a separation of charges) in a nearby neutral conductor, resulting in an attraction.

What happens wheharges in an uncharged metal object rearrang without direct contact with the charged object?

In that case, the fact that the charges are rearranged - there is an electric dipole - can cause the charged object and the object with the zero net charge (but with an electric dipole) to attract one another.

How do charged objects attract neutral objects?

Some neutral objects have a weak dipole force where electron distribution is random across the whole object, and at any one given time, one side may be slightly more positive than the other. This attraction is very weak but it happens frequently especially in solutions.

What is difference between between electric dipole moment and magnetic dipole moment?

Magnetic dipole is due to two poles of magnet. Electric dipole is due to +ve and -ve charges of electric charges.

What is dipole-dipole moment?

A pair of two oppsite charges separated by a fixed lenght consitiute a dipole

How can an atom have an instantaneous dipole?

The nucleus is positively charged but the electrons around it are having negative i guess that should be the case for an electrically neutral atom....

What is two opposite electric charges separated by a short distance called?

dipole dipole

What produces the attraction between polar molecules?

A polar molecule has two poles, a negative pole and a positive pole (which is the result of an asymmetrical distribution of electrons). And in accordance with Coulomb's Law, opposite charges will attract, and same charges will repel. So polar molecules will arrange themselves so that the oppositely charged poles face each other, and thus are attracted.

What is molecular dipole moment?

The molecular dipole moment is a measure of the separation of positive and negative charges within a molecule. It is a vector quantity that indicates the overall polarity of a molecule. It is determined by the individual dipole moments of the bonds within the molecule and their spatial arrangement.