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The very definition of dipole is that two equal oppositely charges separated by a very very small distance. Hence + and - would cancel and hence neutral

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Dipole moment is calculated for a system with equal and opposite charges because this results in a net dipole moment, which is a measure of the separation of charge within the system. For a charged system, there is no overall separation of charge, so there would not be a net dipole moment to measure.

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Q: Why can dipole moment be determined only for neutral system of charges not for charged one?
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How do neutral objects behave when placed near charged objects?

Neutral objects near charged objects will either be attracted or repelled depending on the charge of the nearby object. If the charged object is positive, neutral objects will be attracted towards it; if it is negative, neutral objects will be repelled. This is due to the redistribution of charges in the neutral object when it interacts with the charged object.

What will happen if a light neutral conductor is brought near a negatively charged object?

The negatively charged object will attract electrons in the neutral conductor towards it, causing the electrons to redistribute within the conductor. This redistribution will result in the end of the conductor closest to the negatively charged object becoming slightly negatively charged, while the end farthest from it becomes slightly positively charged. This induces a temporary dipole moment in the neutral conductor.

What is a dipole moment of drug moleculus?

The dipole moment of a drug molecule is a measure of its overall polarity, determined by the distribution of its electric charge. A molecule with a higher dipole moment will have a larger separation between its positive and negative charges, making it more likely to interact with polar molecules or ions in its environment. This can influence its solubility, binding interactions, and biological activity within the body.

Can NF3 experience dipole dipole attractions?

Yes, NF3 can experience dipole-dipole attractions because it is a polar molecule. The molecule has a net dipole moment due to the unequal sharing of electrons between nitrogen and fluorine atoms, leading to partial positive and negative charges that can interact with each other through dipole-dipole forces.

Does a negative charge repel a uncharged object?

-- They can if the gravitational force of attraction is greater than the electrostatic force of repulsion between them. -- They also can if they're connected by a rubber band that has been stretched. -- But if the only force between them is the electrostatic force due to their charges, then they must always repel, because their charges have the same sign.

Related questions

Why is a neutral dust particle attracted to a charged object?

If charge can flow within the neutral particle and you place it near a charged object, like charges tend to move toward the object and opposite charges move away. This splitting of the charge gives the neutral dust particle an electric dipole moment.

How do neutral objects behave when placed near charged objects?

Neutral objects near charged objects will either be attracted or repelled depending on the charge of the nearby object. If the charged object is positive, neutral objects will be attracted towards it; if it is negative, neutral objects will be repelled. This is due to the redistribution of charges in the neutral object when it interacts with the charged object.

Can object with a static charge can attract only other charged objects?

No, an object with a static charge can attract both charged and neutral objects. This is because the static charge can induce a temporary charge separation in neutral objects, causing an attraction between them.

When two objects attract each other electrically must both of them be charged?

No. The attraction is stronger when both are charged. But a charged object may induce an electric dipole (i.e., a separation of charges) in a nearby neutral conductor, resulting in an attraction.

What is the net charge of a dipole?

The net charge of a dipole is zero because it consists of two equal and opposite charges separated by a distance. This creates a neutral overall charge.

How do charged objects attract neutral objects?

Charged objects can attract neutral objects through induction. The charged object creates an electric field that polarizes the neutral object, causing its electrons to slightly shift position. This results in a temporary attraction between the two objects.

What happens wheharges in an uncharged metal object rearrang without direct contact with the charged object?

In that case, the fact that the charges are rearranged - there is an electric dipole - can cause the charged object and the object with the zero net charge (but with an electric dipole) to attract one another.

What produces the attraction between polar molecules?

The attraction between polar molecules is produced by dipole-dipole interactions. These interactions occur due to the alignment of partial positive and negative charges in polar molecules, leading to an attraction between the opposite charges.

What is two opposite electric charges separated by a short distance called?

Two opposite electric charges separated by a short distance are called an electric dipole.

What will happen if a light neutral conductor is brought near a negatively charged object?

The negatively charged object will attract electrons in the neutral conductor towards it, causing the electrons to redistribute within the conductor. This redistribution will result in the end of the conductor closest to the negatively charged object becoming slightly negatively charged, while the end farthest from it becomes slightly positively charged. This induces a temporary dipole moment in the neutral conductor.

Do dipole orient themselves toward other dipole molecules?

Yes, dipole molecules can interact with each other by orienting themselves in such a way that the opposite charges are attracted to each other. This alignment results in dipole-dipole interactions, which can affect the physical properties of the substance.

What is difference between between electric dipole moment and magnetic dipole moment?

An electric dipole moment is a measure of the separation of positive and negative charges in a system, creating an electric field. A magnetic dipole moment, on the other hand, is a measure of the strength and orientation of a magnetic field created by a current loop or a moving charge. In essence, electric dipole moments deal with electric fields generated by charges, while magnetic dipole moments pertain to magnetic fields generated by moving charges.