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because they need to be smart

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Q: Why can triangles be named for both sides and angles?
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How you can prove that the angles of two triangles are equal?

If the angles of two triangles are equal the triangles are similar. AAA If you have three angles on both triangles these must be equal for the triangles to be similar. SAS If you have an angle between two sides and the length of the sides and the angle are the same on both triangles, then the triangles are similar. And SSS If you know the three sides

Can triangles be named for both there sides and angels?

Yes, it can be named both ways.

Why are scalene triangles and equilateral triangles a like?

they both have 3 sides, 3 angles, and 3 vertexes

How are triangles and pyramid alike?

They both have a point and they have same number of sides

If two triangles are congruent which of the triangles are congruent?

If they both have 3 sides the same and 3 angles the same then they are said to be congruent.

If two triangles are congruent?

Then they both will be identical in sides and angles

How are isosceles triangles and acute triangles alike?

They both have 3 sides and 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees.

What are similarities of isosceles and equilateral triangles?

-- Both have three sides.-- Both have three angles.-- Sum of interior angles of both is 180 degrees.-- Both have at least two equal sides.-- Both have at least two equal angles.-- Neither has any right angle.-- Both have at least two acute angles.

What is the different between all of the 4 triangles?

Equilateral triangles have 3 sides all of the same lengths and the three angles are equal (60°). Isoceles triangles have two sides of equal length with both of those side angles being equal while the other is different. Scalane triangles have all sides of different lengths and different angles. Right angled triangles have one angle of 90° and the other two will total 90°.

What does all the triangles look like and what type of triangle are they?

There are infinitely many types of triangles, and they can be classified according to their angles or sides (or both). Equilateral (equiangular triangles): All sides equal, all angles 60 degrees. Obtuse angled isosceles triangles: Two sides equal; one angle > 90deg. Right angled isosceles triangles: Two sides equal; angles of 90, 45, 45 degrees. Other isosceles triangle: Two sides equal; angles of 180-2x, x, x degrees. Obtuse angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, one angle > 90 degrees. Right angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, one angle = 90 degrees. Acute angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, all angles < 90 degrees.

How are right triangles and acute trianlges alike?

They are both triangles that are made up of 3 sides. They both have 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees They are both polygons so their exterior angles add up to 360 degrees

How are isoseles triangles and equilateral trangles alike and different?

They are both triangles that have interior degrees of 180 and exterior degrees of 360. An equilateral has three equal sides and three equal angles. An isosceles has two equal sides and two equal angles.