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Because the square contains all angles 90 degrees and an equilateral triangle has all angles 60 degrees

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Q: Why cant you make a equilactulal triangle when you over lap two squares?
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Related questions

How many squares does it take to make a triangle?

Two. One big square and a smaller one inside to make a corner into a triangle.

How do you make 7 squares by nine matches only moving 2?

you cant.

How do you make a triangle and trapezoid out of a square?

To make a triangle, cut it on its diagonal and put two opposite legs together. you cannot make a trapezoid without two squares, where you do the same thing as the triangle but put the second square in between.

How do you make a rectangle with triangle and square?

Put the two bases of the triangle together. To form a square. Place the squares side by side to form a rectangle

Is a triangle a standard technical drawing tool?

yes.... you can make diamonds and squares and many other objects!

How many squares are in a trapezoids?

It depends. It can either two squares, or zero squares. It can have two if the height and one of the bases are equal (it doesn't matter which base). You just have to make a right triangle out of the edges, and then you put the square next to it. But if not, then it has zero squares.

Can a hexagon and a square be made to tessellate?

No. Hexagons and squares will each tessellate by themselves but one can not make a tessellation out of hexagons and squares combined. However, if you add in a third shape, the triangle, one can make a tessellation.

Why is it called set square when it is a triangle?

Because you use it to draw squares. Also if you put two together they make a square.

What shape can you make with 2 squares and a triangle?

A pentagon (a shape with 5 sides). Just stack the shapes ontop of eachother.

If i have 12 matches how do i move them to make 3 equal squares?

A sort of triangle of squares. Lay out 3 squares side by side using 10 matches. Take the middle match from the bottom row and use it and the other two to make a square based on the middle match of the top row.

How do you draw a cuboid?

make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them make 4 squares and join them

Can you make a hexagon by drawing exactly 3 lines?

no you cant the closest would be a triangle soz