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The Carbon Dioxide must be 'injected' under pressure - because it doesn't dissolve in the drink. It is always separate - which is why carbonated drinks eventually go 'flat' if they're left exposed to the air.

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Q: Why cold drinks are bottled under a carbon dioxide pressure greater than 1 ATM?
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Cold drinks are bottled under a carbon dioxide gas pressure greater than 1 atmosphere why not more gas or less than that gas?

1 atm pressure is considered as standard and is atmospheric pressure at sea level.

In deoxygenated blood is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is greater than the partial pressure of oxygen left?


Why does the bottled softdrinks effervence when open?

Because the drink contains dissolved carbon-dioxide gas under pressure. When you release the cap, the pressure is released - allowing the dissolved CO2 to revert to its gaseous form - this causes the 'fizz'.

Can carbon dioxide be a liquid?

Yes, carbon dioxide can exist as a liquid under certain conditions of temperature and pressure. At atmospheric pressure, it sublimes directly from a solid to a gas (dry ice). However, under high pressure and low temperature, it can exist as a liquid.

How does carbon dioxide and water moves in out of a cell?

The carbon dioxide will move in because if the amount of carbon dioxide fluid is greater outside the cell then the carbon dioxide will diffuse in so that the amount of carbon dioxide inside and outside of the cell will be an equillibrium

Can carbon dioxide turns to liquid?

Yes, carbon dioxide will liquify under high pressure.

What phase is carbon dioxide in at 5 ATM pressure and -20?

In these conditions carbon dioxide is a gas.

Is carbon dioxide a gas'?

Yes, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a gas at standard temperature and pressure.

What state is carbon dioxide on earth?

Carbon dioxide exists in various states on Earth depending on temperature and pressure. At normal conditions, it is a gas. At very low temperatures and high pressures, it can exist as a solid (dry ice) or as a liquid.

What is mixed with the water to make it sparkling?

Carbon dioxide is mixed with water to make it sparkling. This process creates carbonation, which gives the water its bubbly or fizzy quality.

What is PaCO2?

The concentration of Carbon Dioxide in arterial blood. Partial (Pa) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) pressure in ABG.

What gas makes the bubbles in soda pop?

Carbon dioxide gas is what makes the bubbles in soda pop. When the soda is carbonated, carbon dioxide is dissolved in the liquid under pressure. When the pressure is released (such as when you open the bottle), the carbon dioxide gas is released, forming bubbles.