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By commercial math, I'm assuming you mean math associated with commerce: math involving inventory, sales/cost/profit, statistics, etc.

More important? I couldn't make that argument.

Might it be more practical for study as the majority of professions use "commercial math" whereas only a select professions use geometry on a regular basis?

Maybe you can make a case there.

But consider the sales of say, tennis shoes. No geometry is needed to buy, sell, distribute, market, and so on, the product of tennis shoes.

However, without geometry - no tennis shoes. Unless you want a bunch of hand-made products with little consistency.

But in an industrialized manufacturing process, geometry must be used in design of these products for the computers and equipment to make the shoes. Or to build the facility that they are made in. Or develop the land that the building is made on.

Consider a "Star Trek" universe where "money doesn't exist" ... "commercial applications" are greatly reduced. Whereas geometry would be as important as it ever has been.

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Why commercial maths is more important than geometry?

I disagree with your proposition.

Why and how is geometry important?

it tells us about mathematics and expose you to more new learning skills and more etc.

Geometry in mathematics comes under pure mathematics or applied mathematics?

When you study the theory of geometry, it is pure mathematics. However, when you start using the geometry you have learned in other, more practical areas, then it becomes applied.

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Analytical geometry is more commonly known as coordinate geometry. Using Cartesian, Polar or other coordinates systems, geometric shapes can be represented in algebraic terms. This bringing together of algebra and geometry enables the results in one branch of mathematics to be applied to finding solutions in the other.

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Euclid was a Greek mathematician best known for his treatise on geometry: The Elements . This influenced the development of Western mathematics for more than 2000 years.

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In Geometry, you learn about triangles. In Trigonometry you learn even more about triangles.

How Business mathematics important to organization?

Business maths are mathematics used by commercial enterprises to record and manage business operations. Commercial organizations use mathematics in accounting, inventory management, marketing, sales forecasting, and financial analysis. Mathematics typically used in commerce includes elementary arithmetic, elementary algebra, statistics and probability. Business management can be made more effective in some cases by use of more advanced mathematics such as calculus, matrix algebra and linear programming.

What is the importance of studying geometry?

Here are just some answers I was able to search through the web. * First, the world is built of shape and space, and geometry is its mathematics. * Second, informal geometry is good preparation. Students have trouble with abstraction if they lack sufficient experience with more concrete materials and activities. * Third, geometry has more applications than just within the field itself. Often students can solve problems from other fields more easily when they represent the problems geometrically. * And finally-a related point-many people think well visually. Geometry can be a doorway to their success in mathematics. * because of geometry their so many beautiful buildings That's the most important part. But read the entire section from this site, Credits to this site! :) ;) Hope this helps. :D

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Aristotle said that nothing was more beautiful than the objects of maths.Plato enjoyed geometry and numbers.

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