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In my understanding, the reason why Indian Mathematicins developed this concept of Binary System could be the joy of creativity or curiosity or appreciation of patterns (i.e., beauty) or all of them together.

As a matter of fact, most of the concepts in mathematics which we use today was indeed developed by Indian mathematicians many thousand years ago.

- For example, before Issac Newton, 6 millenium before Newton's time, Calculus was invented by Indian Mathematician "Jyesthadeva", in his book "YuktiBhasha" consiered as the "first book of Calculus".

- Indian Mathematicians invented the decimal & numeral systems (the word "deci" has it's root in sanskrit word "dasa", which means ten).

- Algebra was invented in India, which later was introduced to Arabic mathematicians, who then introduced it to the west. The Arabian Al-Kwarazmi who translated Indian mathematician's work in Sanskrit to Arabic language -

- The name "Algorithm" derives from his name "Al-kwarizmi"

- Fibonacci, Pythagorous, BinaomialPolynomial theorms, etc. were all invented many millenium years ago before they were done in the Greek/west.


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6mo ago

The concept of binary systems was developed by ancient Indian mathematicians for various reasons. One reason was the need for a concise and efficient way to represent numbers. Binary systems with only two digits (0 and 1) offered a simple method for this purpose. Additionally, understanding binary systems was crucial for calculations in astronomy, which played a significant role in ancient Indian mathematics.

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