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It is simple statistics. It would be almost impossible to survey an entire population, so they apply a simple random sample in which each person in the population receives a numerical value (001 - 999 for example). Then they use a random number generator on a calculator or use a random digit table to choose an appropriate amount of people to be sampled. It is more cost effective and easier to do it this way, yet still represents the population fairly accurately.

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Q: Why do Social Scientists gather data from samples instead of populations?
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statistical data renders valuable assistance in the proper understanding of economic problems and formulation of economic policies. Most economic problems involve facts which can be expressed numerically for example, volume of trade, wages, prices, tax, etc. In economics, the increasing importance of statistics in the study of economic problems has resulted in a new branch of study called econometric.

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It is called social studies

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Experts on racism include scholars specializing in critical race theory, sociologists studying race relations, psychologists researching biases and discrimination, and activists advocating for racial equality and social justice. These experts often have a deep understanding of systemic racism, its historical context, and its impact on marginalized groups.

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According to social scientists, thrfour components to the phenomenon we label has feelings are love, hate, fear, and compassion.

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Where can I get wedding invitation samples.?

A reliable site to get wedding invitations samples would be wedding.theknot. Instead of having cheap wedding invitation samples, it has free wedding invitation samples. Along with these samples, it shows how to properly format the invitation.