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Fraternal twins share most of their genetic material, by virtue of having the same parents. Identical twins, however, by definition share 100% of their DNA. This means, for example, that identical twins cannot ever be one of each gender, as fraternal twins often are.

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Q: Why do you think identical twins were more alike than fraternal twins?
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Do Identical twins think more alike than Fraternal?

Yes. Fraternal twins don't look alike at all. Identical, meaning to look the same, are well, identical.

Do Fraternal Twins have similar minds like identical twins do?

Twins don't always think alike, whether they be identical, fraternal, or even simese. It depends on there personalities, not their looks.

Are fraternal twins less alike then identical twins?


How do you know if two twins are identical or just fraternal twins that look a lot alike?

(Person that asked the question)-Once twins are born, and old enough to determine whether they are identical or fraternal, how do you know if they are identical, or just fraternal twins that look identical? I was just curious.

If twins aren't identical what are they called?

Twins who are of the opposite sex or do not look alike are fraternal twins ~ not identical. This means that at the time of their conception ~ two eggs were fertilised. In the case od identical twins, one egg is fertilised and split in half.

What percentage of twins are fraternal?

There is no precise percentage of fraternal or identical twins but it is estimated that 2/3 of all twins are fraternal where as 1/3 of twins are identical.

Why are identical twins identical and fraternal twins are not?

Identical twins are formed from a single egg that splits into two. Fraternal twins are formed from two separate eggs that are both separately fertilized. So identical twins have identical DNA, and fraternal twins do not.

Why are identical twins and fraternal twins not the exact same?

Identical twins are formed from a single egg that splits into two. Fraternal twins are formed from two separate eggs that are both separately fertilized. So identical twins have identical DNA, and fraternal twins do not.

Which is more common fraternal twins or identical twins?

Fraternal twins are more popular.

Is there a word for twins who don't look alike?

Nonidentical twins Dizygotic twins (commonly known as fraternal twins, but also referred to as non-identical twins or biovular twins)

Why are Identical and fraternal twins similar?

They are twins!

What are twins that dont look alike caled?

Fraternal. They develop from separate ova and are not genetically identical, so look different, can have different sex etc. Unlike "identical twins."