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To balance needs of space and accuracy. For a start, having a separate data type for integer is necessary for accuracy - if, for example, you add and subtract lots of numbers with floating-point numbers, you will get accumulated errors. On the other hand, and especially when using sets of many numbers (like arrays), the need to save space becomes important, so you would try to use the number that uses just the amount space you need for a particular purpose, but not more. For example, for a grade that can only have integer values between 0 and 100, a single byte variable is enough, so there is no need to use the larger data types, that use up 2, 4, or even 8 bytes.

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Q: Why do you think it is important to have a variety of different data types for integer and floating-point numbers?
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Whole numbers are integers. Integers are whole numbers.

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Always. "Whole number" and "integer" are two different names for the same thing.

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71 is, itself an integer but to find a difference you require 3 numbers.71 is, itself an integer but to find a difference you require 3 numbers.71 is, itself an integer but to find a difference you require 3 numbers.71 is, itself an integer but to find a difference you require 3 numbers.

What is the difference between integer numbers and float numbers?

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Integer numbers are a subset of real numbers. Real numbers may contain fractions.

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no, all negative numbers are smaller than positive numbers