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Q: Why does 111-trichloroethane is being replaced in favour of a better solvemt?
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What conditions favour decomposition?

Oxygen, Heat, moisture, all the core things a living thing needs, since microbes carry out decomposition.

What is chloralform?

Sounds like you're asking about chloroform, which is CHCl3; one carbon atom attached to one hydrogen and three chlorines. It was once a popular anaesthetic before its toxicity was realised, and abandoned in favour of ether.

Why many compounds that contain one or ore hydrogen atoms are not classified as Arrhenius acid?

To be an Arrhenius acid the hydrogen atoms have to be capable of being lost as protons in aqueous solutions. One simple explanation is in terms of the polarity of the X-H bond if planar, the X-H will be soluble in water, the slightly charged H atom will make it easier to be stolen by a water molecule. A better explanation is to look at the Arrhenius equilibrium and look at the factors that would favour dissocation. X-H(aq) <-> H+ (aq) + X-(aq) What drives the equibrium to the right hand side?

What are first second third family gases?

1st family gas is gas cracked from coal (Town Gas). This has largely been phased out now in favour of Natural Gas, but it is still used on the Isle of Man. 2nd family gas is Natural Gas. 3rd family gas is LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) this is usually Propane.

How are chlorofluorocarbons made?

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) are not natural gases. They are completely made by man. Because they contain chlorine and bromine they began to destroy the ozone layer before they were banned. HCFCs were then used as a temporary measure as they were not so dangerous, but they are now being phased out in favour of HFCs, which do no damage to ozone.