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Because pounds measure weight. A pound of feathers would be a whole lot bigger than a pound of lead.

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Q: Why does a pound of feathers and a pound of lead weigh the same?
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Related questions

Does a pound of lead weigh more than a pound of feathers?

They both weigh one pound and are therefore the same weight. The answer to the questions is no.

What weight more a pound of lead or a pound of feather?

One, the correct term is "Which weighs more: a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?" Two, the answer is that they weigh exactly the same, because they both weigh a pound.

Which ways more a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?

Since each substance weighs a pound, they weigh the same amount.

Does a pound of bricks weigh more or a pound of feathers?

No, they should weigh the same.

Does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of water.?

They weigh the same

Is lifting 40 pounds of feathers easier than lifting 40 pounds of lead?

They weigh the same since a pound of feathers; No matter how much there are, weigh a pound. And a pound of iron, No matter how heavy iron is, weighs a pound. Therefore; the weight of a pound of feathers is equivalent to the weight of a pound of iron.

What weighs more a pound of butter or a pound of feathers?

They both weigh the same as both of them originally weigh-in at a pound

Which weighs more a pound of coffee or a pound of feathers?

They weigh the same there both a pound.

What weighs more a pound of chicken or a pound of feathers?

Both weigh the same - a pound!

What is heavier a pound of bricks or s pound of feathers?

they both weigh the same.

Which weighs more a pound brick or feathers?

They weigh the same.

Which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of beans?

they both weigh the same one pound.