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they both weigh the same.

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Q: What is heavier a pound of bricks or s pound of feathers?
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Which weighs more pound of bricks or a pound of cheese?

If you've been truthful with us, and there really is a pound of each, then their weight is identical ... one pound. In this context, we're usually asked about feathers too. A pound of feathers also has the same weight as a pound of bricks or a pound of cheese. Moreover, just to keep all of our readers up to date, oranges are still the same color that they've always been, and old U. S. is still buried in Grant's Tomb.

Which weighs more 1 pound of bricks or one pound of feathers?

Neither is heavier or lighter than the other. They both have the same weight. Namely, one pound. Strange as it may seem, they both also have the same mass, namely 0.4536 kilogram. (rounded) This is a very old and venerated trick question whos answer lies in the question. A pound is a pound, no matter the material. There will be many more feathers than bricks, but they will weigh the same.

How many grams does a feather weigh?

Depends on the type of feathers anywhere between one pound and your a dumb s***.

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The Camaro would be heavier

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