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Because you're obsessed.

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Q: Why does every second minute seem like hours when your away from me?
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How many cans are thrown away each minute?

90,000 cans are thrown away every minute by Americans ourselves.Sad, huh?

How can you make sentences with minute and defiant?

Why are you so defiant? Every minute we waste she is getting further away.

What stops every minute and goes on everyday What can be given or taken away What comes with chance and is a comrade of time?

These clues point to a clock. Clocks stop every minute at the end of each minute and continue to operate every day. Time, which the clock measures, can be given or taken away, and chance and time are intertwined.

Do video games affect your eyes?

It depends if you sit to close or if you play to long then yes but, if you sit a fair distance away and take about 30 minute breaks around every 2 hours you should be fine

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Barack Obama was playing basket ball for fourt five minutes, which he does a forty minute workout every second day. The day before the election his grandmother passed away.

How many miles away thunder is every second?

10000 miles

Can starring at a computer screen make you blind and if it can't can it damage your vision?

It can cause eye strain. Look up and away at least every minute. If you feel strained , or your vision gets blurry, stop for at least a couple of hours.

How far does the moon move away from the Earth in on year?

About 1 second away every 50,000 years

How long does an employee have to work before legally being allowed to get a break?

I work at a restaurant and can be on my feet nonstop for hours on end, like 4 or 5, and when I sit down for a second because my back or feet need a rest I get yelled at. I can work all day, eat on the go while standing and finish my shift of over 8 hours on the average and never be allowed to sit. Is this legal?

How fast does a whales heart beat?

9 times per minute, or every 6.7 seconds 9 times per minute, or every 6.7 seconds

How do you know when someone takes your breathe away?

When your around them and your suddenly nervous, your heart beats really fast, and every time your away from them you wish you can be with them all the time even if you been a second away.

What is the distance of lightning if you a thunder a minute ago?

Count each second when you see Lightning, until when you hear Thunder, divide it by 3, and for example 60 divided by 3 makes 20 right, so that means that it is 20 miles away, so that's your answer, Thunder that is heard one minute after the Lightning is 20 miles away.