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Tart with number 2 because number 1 is reserved for the father of the Iditarod.

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Q: Why does the iditarod start with number 2 and not number 1?
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Why is 1 plus 1 2?

because just like any other math problem a number plus a number is how ever many more #'s it was than there was at the start of the number... ======== The fact that 1 plus 1 is 2 really comes down to the definition of 1 and 2 and plus. 2 is defined to be the next number after 1. (i.e. the successor of 1) Addition, denoted by plus, is defined , in part, by the rule: n +1 is the successor of n. That is, adding one to a number is the same as finding the number after it.

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What does these numbers have in sequence 1 2 4 3 6 8 7 14 16?

It's a four step sequence. 1 is called the initial/start or seed number. Start with 1 .................................................... Step 1 : Double the previous number Step 2 : Add 2 Step 3 : Subtract 1 Step 4 : Return to Step 1 16 occurs after Step 2 so it is followed by 15,30,32,31,62,64.........etc

I want to buy No More Heroes 2 but I haven't played the 1st game Will it still make sense?

It depends on the game if it has a story on number 1 and that story ends on number 1 but a new story should start on number 2

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