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Q: Why does water heat up quicker in smaller test tube than bigger?
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How can sugar be dissolved in water quicker?

you can heat it up, the water, or grind the sugar into smaller particles! try both! =)

How the surface area to the volume ratio affects heat loss?

The bigger surface area to volume, the quicker it will lose heat, as it has a bigger surface where the heat can rise and travel out from. If the volume is the same but the surface area is smaller, heat will stay in for longer as there is only a small area for the heat to escape from, meaning it has to go little by little.

How the surface are To volume ratio effects heat loss?

The bigger surface area to volume, the quicker it will lose heat, as it has a bigger surface where the heat can rise and travel out from. If the volume is the same but the surface area is smaller, heat will stay in for longer as there is only a small area for the heat to escape from, meaning it has to go little by little. I LOVE MICHAEL JACKSON

Why does oil heat faster than water?

because oil has fat in it so its heat quicker and water has no fat i do catering

Why would water evaporate quicker if it was darker?

The absorption of heat is higher.

Is salt water heated quickly than fresh water?

yes salt water is heat quicker

What is the difference between smaller specific heat and bigger specific heat?

A smaller specific heat capacity of a body means that a smaller amount of energy is required to raise the temperature of the body by 1 K compared to the other.

If there is less water will it get hotter quicker?

Yes, if the same amount of heat is applied.

Why does water evaporate quicker in a hot place?

because there's heat - fool!

Can you warm up pasta in hot water?

You can put a smaller pan inside of a bigger pan put the pasta in the small pan and water in the big one the n put it on the stove,turn it on, and it will heat it!

Why do smaller particles move faster in water?

Because of the heat in the water.

Why does water evaporate quicker than diesel?

This depends on whether you mean evaporates due to heat or its volatility. if you mean due to heat, then obviously water, as the forces holding the molecules together are much stronger in hydrocarbons compared to standard water molecules.