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Q: Why dot product of two vectors is scalar?
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What is the product of two vector quantities?

It depends on the type of product used. A dot or scalar product of two vectors will result in a scalar. A cross or vector product of two vectors will result in a vector.

What is vector dot product?

The dot-product of two vectors is the product of their magnitudes multiplied by the cosine of the angle between them. The dot-product is a scalar quantity.

Why the product of two vectors is sometime scalar and sometime vector?

Because there are two different ways of computing the product of two vectors, one of which yields a scalar quantity while the other yields a vector quantity.This isn't a "sometimes" thing: the dot product of two vectors is always scalar, while the cross product of two vectors is always a vector.

Is there any direction associated with the dot product of two vectors?

No. The dot product is also called the scalar product and therein lies the clue.

Why CosӨ is used in dot product?

The cosine of the angle between two vectors is used in the dot product because it measures the similarity or alignment of the vectors. The dot product calculates the product of the magnitudes of the vectors and the cosine of the angle between them, resulting in a scalar value that represents the degree of alignment or correlation between the vectors.

Is it possible to multiply a vector quantity to a scalar quantity?

The product of scalar and vector quantity is scalar.

What is the use of dot product in Physics and explain?

Dot Products in Physics denote scalar results fmo vector products, e.g Work = F.D = FDCos(FD) a scalar result from the dot product of two vectors, F Force and D Displacement.

Why is scalar product two vectors a scalar?

Scalar product of two vectors is a scalar as it involves only the magnitude of the two vectors multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the vectors.

Who is the commutative property in dot and cross product?

The cross product results in a vector quantity that follows a right hand set of vectors; commuting the first two vectors results in a vector that is the negative of the uncommuted result, ie A x B = - B x A The dot product results in a scalar quantity; its calculation involves scalar (ie normal) multiplication and is unaffected by commutation of the vectors, ie A . B = B . A

Does the scalar product of two vectors depend on the choice of coordinate system?


Dot product of two vectors is equal to cross product what will be angle between them?

(A1) The dot product of two vectors is a scalar and the cross product is a vector? ================================== (A2) The cross product of two vectors, A and B, would be [a*b*sin(alpha)]C, where a = |A|; b = |B|; c = |C|; and C is vector that is orthogonal to A and B and oriented according to the right-hand rule (see the related link). The dot product of the two vectors, A and B, would be [a*b*cos(alpha)]. For [a*b*sin(alpha)]C to equal to [a*b*cos(alpha)], we have to have a trivial solution -- alpha = 0 and either a or b be zero, so that both expressions are zeroes but equal. ================================== Of course one is the number zero( scalar), and one is the zero vector. It is a small difference but worth mentioning. That is is to say if a or b is the zero vector, then a dot b must equal zero as a scalar. And similarly the cross product of any vector and the zero vector is the zero vector. (A3) The magnitude of the dot product is equal to the magnitude of the cross product when the angle between the vectors is 45 degrees.

What is the value of scalar product of two vectors A and B where value of vector A and B is not zero and vector product of two vectors A and B is not zero?

Scalar product = (magnitude of 'A') times (magnitude of 'B') times (cosine of the angle between 'A' and 'B')