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Mr Fahrenheit decided the world needed a temperature scale that went from the lowest temperature generally experienced, (which he called "0") to about blood temperature which he called (with a small error) "100". On that scale the boiling point of water turns out to be 212 degrees. Mr Celsius decide that making the freezing point of water 0, and boiling point of water 100 would be better. There are other temperature scales too.

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Q: Why is 100 degree celsius the same as 212 degree Fahrenheit?
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Transfer 100 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius?

100 degree Fahrenheit = 37.7777778 degree Celsius.

What is 100 degree Fahrenheit equal to in degree celsius?

100 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 37.78 degrees Celsius.

What is hottest 100 degree Fahrenheit or 100 degree celsius?

100 degrees celsius

What is colder negative 100 degree celsius or negative 138 degree Fahrenheit?

Negative 138 degrees Fahrenheit is colder than negative 100 degrees Celsius. Negative 100 degrees Celsius is equivalent to negative 148 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which is hotter 100 degree celsius or 160 degree Fahrenheit?

100 degrees Celsius

The Fahrenheit scale has a blank degree size than the Celsius scale?

same size. Between freezing water and boiling water, there are 180 Fahrenheit degrees (32 to 212) and 100 Celsius degrees (0 to 100). So Fahrenheit degrees are smaller, because it takes more of them to cover the same range of temperature. 1 Fahrenheit degree = 5/9 of a Celsius degree (0.555...) 1 Celsius degree = 1.8 Fahrenheit degrees

100 Celsius equal degree in Fahrenheit?

100 degrees of that = 212 Degrees of Fahrenheit.

What is greater 150 degree Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Celsius?

100 degrees Celsius.

What is 100 degrees in Fahrenheit?

100 degree Celsius = 212 degree Fahrenheit

Which is greater an increase in temperature of 1 celsius degree or an increase of 1 Fahrenheit degree?

Both scales use "degrees" but they are not the same size.Celsius degrees are larger intervals, so a change in "Celsius degrees" is larger than an identical numerical change in "Fahrenheit degrees."A change of 1 Celsius "degree" is the same change as 1.8 Fahrenheit "degrees", as is seen in the difference between the freezing and boiling point of water. 100 Celsius degrees (0° to 100°C) is the same temperature change as 180 Fahrenheit degrees (32° to 212°F).

100 degrees celsius equals what degree Fahrenheit?

212 degrees Fahrenheit

Which is a larger change in temperaturea change of 1 Celsius degree or 1 Fahrenheit degree explain?

1 Celsius degree.A Celsius degree is 1/100 of the difference between the melting and boiling points of pure water whereas a degree Fahrenheit is 1/180 of the same range.