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So it is more efficient.

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Q: Why is a catalyst spread over a large surface area?
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Why use reactant in the powdered form?

A lump of solid has a much lower surface area compared to a powdered catalyst. Since most chemical reactions that are catalysed by solid phase catalysts (heterogeneous catalysts) occur on the catalyst surface more surface area = faster reaction.

What effects the rate of a chemical reaction?

Temperature, pressure, catalyst, surface area

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it will spread it out across the large surface area therefore decreasing it. hope that helps! :)

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Rough surfaces form irregular surface increase the surface area. Catalytic action is directly proportional to the area of contact.

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Sugar is small crystal powder, thus each sugar crystal has large surface area which causes rapid reaction in presence of catalyst. This reaction produces a lot of heat, as a whole, that it causes sugar to burn.

Why does crushing a solid increase the speed at which the solid dissolves?

ALL reactions (apart from Nuclear) take place on the surface. By crushing the solid you are increasing the surface area and also the SA/Volume ratio. This increased surface area increases the area available for the dissolution reaction.

Why do radiators have a large surface area?

They have a large surface area so there is enough area for heat radiation.

Why does a catalytic converter have a honeycomb structure?

Because honeycomb structure provide large surface area to the exhaust gasses for reaction under the action of catalyst then any other structure.

What are the factors affecting the states of matter?

Concentration, Surface Area, Inhibitor, A Catalyst, Solubility

What is the area of 5 gallons of water?

Surface area? That will vary considerably. The smallest surface area will be if the water is suspended weightless, in the shape of a sphere. It could be in a pan 1/16 of an inch deep. Specify the shape you are interested in.

Why is a catalyst more effective in powdered form?

Higher surface area is available for the chemical reaction.