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The Alveoli

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Q: What organelle has a large amount of surface area?
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Organelle has a large amount of surface area?

The Alveoli

What feature of the inner membrane of the mitochondria allows this organelle to produced a great amount of energy?

a large surface area

What feature of the inner membrane of the mitochondria allows this organelle to produce a great amount of energy?

The inner membrane of mitochondria is highly folded into structures called cristae, which provide a large surface area for the electron transport chain and ATP synthase enzymes to generate energy through oxidative phosphorylation. This increased surface area allows for more efficient production of ATP molecules, the cell's primary energy source.

What do alveoli have that enables them to absorb a large amount of oxygen?

A large surface area

What is the purpose of folds and wrinkles of membranes?

to provide a greater surface area in the organelle (increase surface area)

Why does a small amount of water melt faster than a large amount of water?

A small amount of ice generally melts faster than a large amount of ice because of the difference in surface-area to volume ratios. Heat transfer with the surroundings occurs only at the boundaries of the ice. The rate of melting is thus directly proportional to the surface area. Additionally, the amount of ice to be melted is dependent on the volume. The more ice, the longer it takes to melt. Thus, a small cube of ice will melt faster because it has a greater surface area to volume ratio than a large block of ice.

What features of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion allows this organelle to produce a great amount of energy?

The inner membrane is folded on itself multiple times in structures called "christae". These folds dramatically increase the surface area within the mitochondrion, which increases how much energy the organelle can make.

What feature of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion allows this organelle to produce a great amount of energy?

The presence of folds called cristae in the inner membrane of the mitochondria increases the surface area available for energy-producing reactions. This allows for a higher density of key enzymes and electron transport chain components, leading to efficient ATP production through cellular respiration.

What feature of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion allow this organelle to produce a great amount of energy?

The inner membrane is folded on itself multiple times in structures called "christae". These folds dramatically increase the surface area within the mitochondrion, which increases how much energy the organelle can make.

What feature of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion allow the organelle to produce a great amount of energy?

The inner membrane is folded on itself multiple times in structures called "christae". These folds dramatically increase the surface area within the mitochondrion, which increases how much energy the organelle can make.

What provides a large surface area for gas exchange?

Your lungs provide a very large surface area for gas exchange.

Why is surface area of alveoli in lungs is greater than the surface area of the skin?

The surface area of the alveoli is where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged across membranes. A large surface area enables a greater amount of gas transfer. The skin has two main functions: one is holding all our bits in one place and the other is to maintain body temerature. In the latter role, a large surface area is good for cooling the body but bad for keeping warm. So it is a compromise.