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Q: Why is a pyramid of biomass narrower at the top than at the base?
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What does a biomass pyramid present?

Biomass - the total dry weight of the organisms in a trophic levelBiomass Pyramid - a diagram showing the biomass at each trophic level of a food chainA pyramid of biomass shows energy lost in each trophic level while a pyramid of numbers shows the numbers of the organisms in each trophic level

Why is the pyramid of biomass in the English channel inverted?

The inverted biomass pyramid is where the weight of the producers is less than the weight of the consumers. The inverted pyramid is more prevalent in aquatic ecosystems, as in such an environment, the biomass depends on the reproductive ability and the lifespan of the species. The best example is the pond ecosystem, where the mass of the producers of the ecosystem, which are generally the phytoplanktons is always less than the mass of the consumers in the ecosystem, which are generally fish and other insects.

How many vertices does a square pyramid have than a trianglar pyramid?

tringuler pyramid has two base.

Why is the face other than the base on a pyramid always triangular?

That is how a pyramid is defined!That is how a pyramid is defined!That is how a pyramid is defined!That is how a pyramid is defined!

How trees can be producers and yet the smallest tropic level in a pyramid of numbers?

Trees are very large compared to the organisms they support, such as insects, birds and rodents. A single tree has much more biomass than the consumers depending upon it, meaning it is still the base of biomass pyramids and pyramids of energy. Therefore even if they are fewer in number trees still occupy the producer level of the trophic pyramid

What is the advantage of using a biomass or energy pyramid rather than a pyramid of numbers?

Not all organisms have the same mass. Consider 1 whale versus 5,000 plankton - the whale has much greater mass, but only 0.1% of the total number of organisms. When you compare mass, you get a better idea of how much energy is actually available at that trophic level. Basically, they are better to understand.

What solid have more than one edge and less than 10 edges?

A pyramid with a triangular base. It has 6 edges, or a pyramid with a square base, which has 7 edges

How many more vertices does a square pyramid have than a trianglar pyramid?

A square pyramid has 1 at the top and 4 round the base giving a total of 5 A triangular pyramid has 1 at the top and 3 round the base giving a total of 4 So the square pyramid has 1 more vertex than the triangular pyramid.

Does a pyramid have vertices?

Yes, it has one more vertex than the number of vertices on the polygonal base of the pyramid.

How is narrow narrower than broad?

narrow is narrower than broad because it is.

How many vertices a nonagonal pyramid have?

10. For any pyramid, it will be one more than the number of vertices in the base.

What shape is created by a cross section of a rectangular pyramid?

It is a rectangle which is similar to (but smaller than) the rectangular base.