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Alpha radiation cannot get pass through our body as it cannot penetrate through things. Beta can penetrate through things better than alpha. So if alpha is inside our body then it cannot get outside our body and therefore it becomes dangerous.

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Q: Why is alpha radiation more dangerous than beta rediation when the source of the radiation is inside the body?
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What is internal radiation?

In internal radiation therapy a source of radioactivity is surgically placed inside the body near the cancer

Is there more severe radiation than gamma?

It depends on the strength of the active source. Alpha radiation is dangerous if it gets inside your body, gamma will penetrate your clothing and body if energetic enough, so it's difficult to give an answer that covers all cases. Health physicists have to consider each type of radiation on its merits.

Why workers work far from the source of radiation?

Radiation is dangerous ... Too much kills but even small amounts may eventually cause cancer. Radiation levels decrease as does gravity with the square of the distance from the source. At twice the distance, the rad level becomes 1/4 th as much.

What is more dangerous gamma or alpha rays?

alpha radiation is more dangerous than beta or gamma if ingested or inhaled because its power to ionize (or to disrupt atoms) is 20x than that of beta and gamma. but if the source is outside the body or at a distance gamma radiation is much dangerous because it could penetrate thick walls.

Why is it more dangerous to be exposed to a weak X-ray source than a strong infrared source?

Infrared radiation only affects the surface of the skin... x-rays penetrate much further.

Why is it more dangerous to be exposed to weak x-ray source than to a strong infrared source?

Infrared radiation only affects the surface of the skin... x-rays penetrate much further.

What is the fundamental source of electromagnetic radiation?

the fundemental source of electromagnetic radiation is an ionic explosion

What are the source of radiation?

Cosmic radiation External terrestrial and internal radiation

What does the uniformity of cosmic radiation imply about its source?

The source of cosmic background radiation filled the entire universe.

An example of a man made source of radiation is?

diagnostic radiation

Is TV radiation dangerous to your health?

First of all, "radiation" is any energy that flows out from a source. There is radiation coming from your body if it is cool out: This type is called, "Heat". There is another type of radiation coming from a candle: you can see it, and it is called, "Light". X-ray machines radiate, well, 'X-rays'. There is electrostatic radiation coming out of older TV sets: It's the same thing as when you touch something and get a little shock. It is not dangerous. Atomic radiation, or nuclear radiation comes from radio-active sources like uranium and radium. This one is more dangerous than the others because it is usually very strong and can 'cook' you quickly, much like a microwave oven can cook flesh.