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Q: In a circuit diagram what does a circle with a cross inside it represent?
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What Venn diagram illustrate this statement all poodles are dogs?

I cannot draw a Venn diagram here but it could be a large circle consisting of all dogs. The poodles would be represented by a circular shape that is completely inside the "dogs" circle. There should also be some other space in the "dogs" circle - to represent other types of dogs.

What venn diagram illustrate tjis statatement all poodles are dogs?

A Venn diagram with a large circle representing all dogs with a smaller circle inside that circle representing poodles.

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Not stop sign in the inside circle , not red in the small circle

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How do you use when diagram to represent complement of a set?

It is a Venn diagram, named after John Venn - not when!First, you need a universal set, U, usually represented by a rectangle. Inside that rectangle, you have a circular shape representing a set A. Then the complement of A, with respect to U is all of U except for the circle A.