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It is not necessarily so.

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Q: Why is cumalative distribution function continuous from right?
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What is the difference between a probability mass function and a probability density function?

The probability mass function is used to characterize the distribution of discrete random variables, while the probability density function is used to characterize the distribution of absolutely continuous random variables. You might want to read more about this at (see the link below or on the right)

How do you draw a continuous linear decreasing function?

A continuous linear decreasing function is a line that goes on forever and has a negative slope (is downhill from left to right). For example, the line y = -x is a continuous linear decreasing function.

What is a cadlag?

A cadlag is a mathematical term for a function which is right continuous and has a left limit.

When a population distribution is right skewed is the sampling distribution normal?

No, as you said it is right skewed.

What is contunity in differential calculus?

A function is continuous (has continuity) when it can be drawn in one motion without lifting the pencil. This means no holes, steps, or jumps. At a point, the limit of the point must be defined and exist at the same point (no holes or points above/below the line). At an endpoint, a function is continuous if the limit coming from the left/right is the same as the x value of the endpoint.

When the mean of a distribution of scores of measures is higher than the median the distribution would be?

The distribution is skewed to the right.

What is the math shape when it looks like a bow?

It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.It could be a Gaussian curve (Normal distribution) rotated through a right angle.

The shape of the F distribution is?

skewed right.

If a great many data values cluster to the left of a data distribution which then tails off to the right the distribution is referred to as?

It is a positively skewed distribution.

What are the roles and functions of distribution management?

The role of a distribution manager is to ensure the right products are delivered to the right places on time. Distribution managers are generally responsible for large numbers of employees in different aspects of their field.

What is copy right?

The term "copyright" is actually a function of its parts. It is literally the "right to copy" which is granted to the creator of an original work as well as several additional rights.Specifically copyright allows the author to control duplication, distribution, performance, display, and the creation of derivatives.

What does it mean when the distribution of data is skewed to the right?

The distribution is unbalanced, because the right tail is larger than it would be if the distribution were balanced (symmetrical). Also called positive skew. See related link with diagrams that clarify this term.